In another one of those fortuitous encounters – in this case, virtually, on Twitter – we ended up in contact with the author of today’s…
In this post, long-term volunteer Philip James thinks about some of the practical issues in project work, particularly under Covid. This helps us both appreciate…
Earlier this year we were contacted by the author of this blog post, Sarah Maczugowska, seeking information about her Great Grandfather John Pratt’s role on…
In this guest blog post, one anonymous project volunteer looks at a very specific aspect noticed in the entries in the volume of one railway…
This week’s guest post seems fitting, coming after last week’s look at the 1921 Stapleton Road accident and thinking about how we remember those who…
Whilst blog posts have largely reflected our project sources and focus, and looked at mainline railways in the UK and Ireland, this doesn’t capture all…
We’re delighted to feature this blog post from a team at the Head of Steam – Darlington Railway Museum. It focuses on a topic of…
This guest blog post, from Pauline Figliolini, came about after Pauline had found the project and enquired about early staff accident records. Sadly we didn’t…
In this week’s post, returning guest author Gordon Dudman reflects upon the start of his railway career – a formative influence, but one which had…
This week we have another guest post from Philip James, part of the NRM team and our most prolific blog contributor – read his other…