Earlier this year we were contacted by the author of this blog post, Sarah Maczugowska, seeking information about her Great Grandfather John Pratt’s role on…
This blog is our final post in this series, ahead of the centenary tomorrow of the 1921 Stapleton Road accident. Yesterday we looked at the…
Following yesterday’s look at Charles Oakhill, and the railway connections in his family, today we turn to another railway family caught up in the Stapleton…
Yesterday we discussed the institutional responses to the Stapleton Road accident; from this point onwards, we look more at the personal impacts, on the men…
Yesterday we started introducing the men involved in the Stapleton Road accident. Today we focus on just one man, for whom we have more information:…
This guest blog post, from Pauline Figliolini, came about after Pauline had found the project and enquired about early staff accident records. Sadly we didn’t…
We’re pleased to be able to feature another guest post, from another person the project has been able to help. John contacted us via our…
People are central to our project in so many ways. Obviously the railway staff who had the accidents, details of which we’re making more easily…
History and the past has been in the news a fair bit recently – notably controversies over culture wars, statues and how the past is…
This post is one of a series exploring how the same source might be approached in different ways by different types of researcher, so we…